Emm-Tech Class Booking
Thank you for booking the Emm-Tech Course. You will receive a confirmation by email shortly.
I am looking forward to welcoming you to the forthcoming EMM-Tech Course.
Here are some details of the course that you might find useful:
- Instruction manual will be provided.
- What to wear: Please wear comfortable loose clothing. Leggings/joggers are ideal. T-shirts and / or strap tops for Ladies for shoulder work. The work on the course is done through clothes but the softer, looser the better.
- Nails: Make sure fingernails are short.
- Refreshments:
- Morning and Afternoon Tea & Coffee will be provided.
- Lunch: Please bring your own.
Once you are confirmed on the course, I will send you a follow-up email pertaining to the course.
I look forward to working with you.
Any queries, please contact me.