Aqua Detox
Aqua Detox is a new way of rebalancing and detoxifying your body. No diets, no drinks and no exercise!
The Aqua Detox foot spa consists of a foot bowl filled with warm salt water that is connected to a control panel. This control panel produces low electrical currents (less than a fairy light) through the water via an electrode called an array, which vibrate through your body, and stimulate your cells. The rebalancing of cells and releasing of toxins takes place through the 2000 pores in each foot. You place your feet in a warm footbath, sit back and relax!
The ionised water will change colour. The colour of the water will change regardless of the presence of feet! The water changes colour due to the chemical reaction which happens while the water is being ionised. This colour can vary depending on salt content and water quality.
The charge delivered by the array is very small. Some people will comment on a slight tingling in the feet, but this is quite normal.
Ideally you should use the machine about twice a week for 3 weeks followed by 1 or 2 session’s a month.

Numerous benefits however, everyone is different and symptoms can be caused by different factors. Clients have commented on better sleeping patterns, increased vitality, well-being and increasing energy levels over a number of treatments.
The only contra indications are Pacemaker, Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Kidney transplants, Immune suppressants. Medication will not be affected at all. If in doubt, please consult your doctor.
The Aqua Detox unit is a complementary health treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine principles regarding energy in the body, therefore Aqua Detox cannot, and do not make any claims regarding specific health issues.